case study
Cyber Essentials
ISO 27001
January 31, 2022
Approx 3 min read

Vormats quickly achieves globally recognised ISO27001 standard with Naq

The situation

60% of employees now prefer video over text for essential activities like onboarding and company-wide updates. This trend is coupled with a growing demand for transparency into prospective employers' cultures. Indeed, 90% of executives believe that company culture is becoming increasingly pivotal in attracting and retaining talent. Now that remote work is the norm, the challenge for organisations is to foster and preserve their unique culture and ensure that communication remains personal and engaging.

Vormats, a fast-growing scale-up, has addressed this need by enabling employees to tell their stories effectively through video. Their SaaS platform and app facilitate the seamless creation of video content, empowering organisations to enhance their employer brand, personalise company-wide messages, and enrich the talent acquisition process. By simplifying video content production and ensuring alignment with organisational guidelines, Vormats has democratised access to what was once considered a complex andresource-intensive task.

Vormat's solution has attracted a remarkable portfolio of clients, such as KPMG, Lidl, ABN AMRO, and Oxfam, propelling Vormats to the forefront of the video marketing industry. However, this rapid growth introduces the challenge of meeting complex data compliance requirements and substantial security responsibilities - essential criteria for working with their distinguished enterprise clients.

The challenge

Securing partnerships with global enterprises requires demonstrating a robust information security and data privacy posture. In addition to adhering to local data privacy laws like GDPR and Cyber Essentials, Vormats aimed to exemplify the highest standards in information security by seeking compliance with the ISO 27001 standard.

Achieving this globally recognised information security standard involves a comprehensive review, implementation, and audit of an organisation's Information Security Management System (ISMS), a traditionally complex and lengthy process. Vormats sought to achieve this security standard quickly, with minimal impact on their operational activities, and in a manner that could scale with their growth. As a SaaS company themselves, Vormats sought a digital solution that could assist them in achieving compliance with this standard while also serving as a central source of truth for their information security and regulatory compliance efforts.

The solution

In response to these challenges, Vormats turned to Naq's automated compliance platform, which offered Vormats a multifaceted solution:

Centralised Compliance and Security Management: Naq's platform enabled Vormats to centralise their data privacy and information security management, providing Vormats with a comprehensive overview of their information security, data privacy, and regulatory posture even as their business continues to scale.

Guided Path to ISO 27001 certification: Through Naq's automated platform and the support of Naq's in-house experts, Vormats achieved compliance with the ISO 27001 standard quickly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to their internal operations. 

Comprehensive Security Actions: With Naq's guided information security actions, Vormats strengthened its business, web platform, and mobile app security, reassuring enterprise clients of the safety and protection of their data.

The result

Adopting Naq's platform empowered Vormats to swiftly meet and continuously comply with the GDPR requirements and achieve ISO 27001 certification, reinforcing its commitment to data security. This accomplishment was realised with 80% cost savings compared to traditional consultancy routes without hindering their operational momentum. Vormats' ability to demonstrate such a high level of compliance and security has solidified its standing as a trusted partner among the world's biggest brands, further propelling its journey to the forefront of the video marketing industry.

Commenting on the support received from Naq, Arnold Bouwman, Co-founder, Vormats stated: "As a fast-growing scale-up, we need to focus on business development whilst ensuring that we comply with regulatory and customer requirements. Naq has been instrumental in achieving compliance and security, obtaining ISO27001 certification and shortening our sales-cycle by easily demonstrating compliance."