case study
February 16, 2023
Approx 3 min read

TMA world meets Enterprise compliance demands with Naq platform

The situation

TMA World is a rapidly growing scale-up known for its innovative learning SaaS platform, delivering over 3,000 learning programs across five continents and in 14 languages. This significant expansion has brought with it an increase in platform users, clients, and, consequently, data, all of which necessitate stringent data protection measures and GDPR compliance to safeguard against cyber threats and meet regulatory requirements. 

TMA World's enterprise customers, especially those operating within the EU, now require compliance with regulations such as GDPR. Additionally, they request detailed and lengthy due diligence questionnaires to ensure that their partners and customers have the necessary measures to handle data securely and in accordance with the applicable data privacy regulations. Demonstrating compliance and completing these due diligence questionnaires often becomes a bottleneck to winning new deals and securing new contacts.

The challenge

As TMA World's scale and scope expanded, so did the complexity of managing GDPR compliance and ensuring data security. The primary challenge was achieving comprehensive GDPR compliance and enhancing data security swiftly and efficiently, without the traditional hurdles of extensive paperwork, operational disruptions, long implementation times or the high costs associated with hiring external consultants. Additionally, with each new enterprise customer came the demand for strict compliance and data security standards, making it crucial for TMA World to find a solution that could scale with its growth while meeting these stringent requirements.

The solution

Naq's automated compliance and information security platform emerged as the ideal solution for TMA World. The platform offered a quick and scalable way to achieve GDPR compliance, providing all necessary policies and actions to meet GDPR standards efficiently. Moreover, Naq's platform ensured ongoing compliance for TMA World, automatically updating policies as the company ventured into new markets or as regulations evolved.

Using Naq's guided security actions, TMA World initiated a comprehensive approach to secure its business, platform, and customer data, turning its commitment to data security into a competitive advantage when engaging with large enterprise organisations. Additionally, Naq's in-house experts provided the supplementary support needed to comply with the most stringent security requirements, allowing TMA World to concentrate on its global expansion.

The result

With Naq's automated platform, TMA World secured its SaaS training platform and met its enterprise customers' intricate GDPR requirements in just a few days. This efficiency came at 80% less cost than hiring consultants, all while avoiding any disruption to their business operations. TMA World's swift achievement of GDPR compliance, coupled with its enhanced data security measures, positioned it as a trustworthy partner for enterprise clients, reinforcing its ability to continue growing globally without compromise. 

Commenting on Naq, Hans van der Linden, COO TMA World said: "Naq ensures that our business stays GDPR compliant and our data remains secure. Their platform brings together all of our compliance policies and security processes into a single dashboard, making it quick and easy to see where we stand, even as our business becomes more complex."